Temper, meet brick wall.....

Saturday, December 13, 2014

At this Festive time of the year Mr. Scrooge....

Hi everyone! It is winter time and I hate it! lol. Yes, I'm not much of a holiday person it seems. If you've noticed I haven't written a holiday story in a while. But oh well.

So yes, it is that time of the year again. You know me, normally I would have stopped writing by the end of Nano but this year I have a writing partner that I am writing with and so I kept going. The strange thing about it is, 2014 has been a wonderful when it comes to my writing. I am very happy to still have people who love what I do and encourages me when I feel like stopping. The truth is I probably will never stop because I love writing and creating worlds and people that others enjoy but who knows, right? They always tell you "never say never" right?

Yes, I know it's been a while since I've blogged here but it has been a hard last few months. With school, EDJ, trying to have a social life, finalizing edits on Captive to his Wonder as well as co-authoring Wounded Heart with the fantastic Sharita, to the rerelease for a few other books, it's been hella crazy in my life. This means, I have a few releases to tell you about.

The first is Talk Dirty To Me - This idea came to me while I was talking to Sharita on one of our many brainstorming sessions. It was only supposed to be a passing fancy but after some prodding by her, I got it written. Evernight Publishing liked it enough to contract it and you can now buy it anywhere you buy your Remmy Sexies. It is about a Doctor who is more than a little pent up and accidentally called a sex line run by a sexy, dreadlock wearing, dirty talking, soon to be teacher *wiggles brows* Oh, it's sexier than anything I've ever written - I think so check it out.

I tried my hands at paranormal and actually pulled it off, which was great! Ciro is now in print and Ebooks at Totally Bound and I am so proud!  This one a few of you already know but it has been
Now Available at Totally Bound in
Print and Ebooks
extensively re-edited and gutted and rewritten. I am very happy to say I am excited about it for it is now a part of the SHIVERS series. This story is about what happens when Hera gets pissed at and decides to put her foot down at Zeus cheating on her. Trust me, it doesn't end well.

The second book titled Osaki has just been contracted to Totally Bound.  It is about a Samurai that saved Ares' life and was given special entry into Olympus. He comes a Shiver but you have to read the first book to figure out how *winks* But think about it for - sexy Samurai with super powers!  I surprised myself that I even thought about that. I was so focused on writing one book but the publisher suggested a series and so far--so good.

Osaki has a sexy new cover too I am so happy with it. The funny thing is, with these covers, so car the cover artist (the Won-tastic Emmy) gets it right on the first try! Normally, I'm very easy with covers. If I see it and instantly it hits me in the face like a bat, I know it's the right cover. And so far both these covers did that. The first cover for CIRO has this vibrant green, with the Greek ruins of the aqua ducts running in the background that is perfect for me - I didn't even think to suggest putting the aqua ducts on the cover but she did. I loved that.

Osaki coming soon to Totally Bound
in print and ebook
Another story I'd like to tell you about is Captive to his Wonder. Now you may remember me mentioning it as THE MONSTER - why? Well, it took a while for me to come up with a title for it. Nothing I could think about worked--they just didn't feel right. Even after I came up with the title, I still caught myself calling it The Monster.

Anyway, this is the longest story I've written by myself to date. When I was writing this story, I thought for sure I'd have to self-publish it. I'm not sure why but that was just my feeling. You see, Captive, went a year without a title. It's a May/December relationship. It's interracial. So a year, numerous re-edits/revisions, four betas (you read right, four) later I took a breath and a chance and submitted it to Dreamspinner Press.

 I was so excited when I got the news they would take it--and not only would they accept it, they wanted print rights too! I was jumping up and down and acting a fool! You see, Captive to his Wonder is my baby. It's one of those books that you really labour over making it as best as you can. You spend hours re-editing and re-reading it until you could probably  tell someone the story, word for word without actually looking at the manuscript.  Then I had a few friends beta read it for me - I never used betas before but they came in handy because this novel was pushing 70, 000 words. I needed the extra eyes and all the help I could get with it. So thankfully, I have some amazing friends who didn't mind reading it and give me constructive criticism about what I needed to fix and what
Pre-Order at Dreamspinner Press
didn't really make sense and what they thought I should cut.  Finally, I was overjoyed because Captive has a home! You can actually pre-order it now at Dreamspinner Press in both print and ebook.

So as you can see, this year has been very productive. Next year looks like that too but I'm going to take it a little easy lol. Anyway, please email me what you think as usual I don't mind.

Remmy Duchene

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Now at Dreamspinner Press

Now at Dreamspinner Press
"This story is about two grown ass gay men that each have a little doubt for one reason or another if their relationship will work. The story is conveyed well and kept completely on the adult playing field, I loved it! When these two get going in the bedroom it is passionate and sensual."--TSM