Temper, meet brick wall.....

Monday, July 30, 2012

Broken - A free read!

The other day I wanted to start self publishing a little more seriously and I started looking into where I can do that. Amazon is pretty cool but once you load it there, it is only there. I wanted to have a place that distributes to other places and sell on many other sites. In order to do that, I had to tackle the monster that is Smashwords and all their formatting guidelines....so I have been hearing how hard it is to use. So, I decided to test it out with a free read. OMG! It took me four hours to get the dang thing right after I figured out how to save something as .doc in windows 2007.

Once that hurdle was over, I kept getting "Needs Modification." First thing I did was get an ISBN Number. Once that was done I had to tackle the font size issue and the copyrights page issue...And FINALLY, it was ready to go! So at long last, BROKEN is available on Smashwords right now!! And the BEST part? It's FREE!!

Here's the blurb:
Dean Cadera was never taught as a child how to deal with loss; so when his best friend dies, he has no idea how to handle it without completely falling apart. Most of his lovers couldn't handle it but Mack seem to--until he gives Dean an ultimatum.

Mack Brown is many things but patient isn't one of them. When he meets Dean, he knows this man is something special but Mack also knows one thing--he can't compete with a ghost. 

So grab your FREE Remmy Duchene Yummy-ness and enjoy after work tonight in a nice bath.

Remmy Duchene

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Now at Dreamspinner Press

Now at Dreamspinner Press
"This story is about two grown ass gay men that each have a little doubt for one reason or another if their relationship will work. The story is conveyed well and kept completely on the adult playing field, I loved it! When these two get going in the bedroom it is passionate and sensual."--TSM