Its been so long since I wrote my short story and mentioned the name Erik Rhodes in it. The strange thing is, I never ever thought it would amount to anything. The man was gorgeous and when I was writing he was the first name that popped into my head. A few months after the book was released, I googled myself and found that I was mentioned on the Falcon Studios blog because of this simple mention. Why am I writing a blog about this? On June 14, 2012 Erik Rhodes died. He was 30 years old and according to reports he died from a heart attack.
Yes, you read right. A heart-attack at thirty for a man who looked to be in such great shape is not common. When I kept digging I read he was heavily into drugs. Now, I am not one to preach but god damn it! What is wrong with you people? How long have you heard people tell you not to take drugs? Do you guys think they've been harping on it because they like to keep riding you about it?
*breathes* A human being has died and while I am sad I am irritated because chances are he didn't have to die.
Just--say no to drugs, okay? As cornie as that sounds just don't do it.
Remmy D
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